A quick google told us that it was likely to be a Spotted Python which is usually a good 4 to 5 foot long. Thus it was not likely to be one of the splendid variety of venomous snakes that are on the Australian list of deadly creatures - but more about this another time! However when Shaun arrived back home he spotted a leg - so not a snake at all but a Skink, which is a type of lizard - in this case the Eastern Blue Tongued Lizard and not to be confused with the Eastern Bearded Dragon which is a similar size lizard.
Not a Welsh dragon is it! |
This final wildlife report comes with the discovery that unlike the Brisbane suburbs Tamborine is crawling with Wallabies and Kangaroos - here's a snap of an Eastern Grey Kangaroo taken from the driver's side yesterday evening (I did stop!)
Who you looking at? |
Improved times for both of us at Bunyaville Parkrun on Saturday with Vicky 67th in 37.06 and me in 3rd again with a record V60 time of 22.43 (however I was beaten by two young whippets who should have done a junior race instead!)
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